Video prosedur day to day belajar di HolyStar
HolyStar adalah sekolah dengan waktu yang flexible, Murid ke sekolah dengan waktu yang flexible yaitu boleh masuk satu kali sampai lima kali seminggu atau 1x sebulan/1x setahun/tidak masuk sama sekali (full online) dan boleh masuk dan pulang di antara jam 8.30 sampai 14.30, mis masuk jam 9.00/10.00/11.00 pulang jam 12.00/13.00/14.00.
Guru tidak mengajar di depan kelas, tiap murid punya meja sendiri & disiapkan bendera kecil di mejanya, kalau murid ada pertanyaan atau tidak mengerti pelajaran yang dipelajari, maka murid mengangkat bendera & guru akan menjelaskan sampai murid mengerti, ada 4 guru yang bisa secara bergantian mengajari murid sampai mengerti. Bisa dilihat di video di atas, untuk jelasnya cara belajar murid di HolyStar School. Demikian juga dengan yang online/tidak hadir di kelas bisa WA (chat/call/video call) guru-guru HolyStar kalau ada pelajaran yang tidak dimengerti, dari Senin – Jumat 8.30 – 14.30, HolyStar adalah flexible time, jadi kami seperti hybrid school.
Kita mengontrol progress belajar murid dengan goal card, murid isi goal card sebelum belajar, mis: Math kerjakan halaman 1-4, Science kerjakan halaman 8-12, dst, kalau ada halaman yang tidak selesai dikerjakan di goal card maka jadi PR, hasil akhir dari goal card di akhir hari, guru akan catat di supervisor card, sehingga guru tahu progress murid.
Murid bisa mempelajari 6-7 subyek sekaligus yaitu Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Word Building & Literature serta Bible atau belajar per subject.
Sekolah kami menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara penuh & terus menerus selama jam sekolah maupun waktu istirahat, dengan guru WNI & asing dari USA. Murid yang belum bisa bahasa Indonesia, guru WNI bisa pakai bahasa Indonesia, tapi akan dilatih terus sampai murid bisa mengerti English sepenuhnya.
Ada dua kali istirahat selama pelajaran yaitu 10.45-11.00 dan makan siang 12.30 – 13.00, tidak ada kantin, jadi tiap anak membawa sendiri makanan kecil & makanan berat.
Setiap anak bisa mengikuti satu sampai lima Ekstra Kurikuler yang diadakan sekolah dan biayanya sudah termasuk dalam uang sekolah. Lima Ekstra Kurikuler : Art/Craft, Computer, PE, Music, Home Economic, yang diadakan untuk murid yang masuk sekolah dari 12.30 sampai 14.30
Biaya tetap sama untuk murid yang masuk satu kali seminggu atau dua sampai tiga kali bahkan lima kali seminggu, yang masuk kelas 1x seminggu, 4x seminggu bisa belajar online, dst
Sekolah kami ada empat kali libur quartal, dan tiap libur kuartal Maret/April ataupun Sept/Oct akan ada acara tamasya di luar sekolah dan biaya sudah termasuk di uang sekolah & uang admin yang dibayar per tahun, sedangkan libur Juni & Desember akan ada fun time di sekolah.
Gedung Sekolah milik sendiri bukan menyewa dengan kebersihan yang terjaga, serta ada tempat bermain untuk anak-anak.
Murid yang rajin bisa lulus lebih cepat dengan menghabiskan modul / kredit pelajaran yang diperlukan untuk lulus grade 10, sertifikat grade 10 kita disebut High School Certificate yang dikirim dari luar negeri.
Lulusan grade 10 sekolah kami bisa melanjutkan belajar di college yang ada di Indonesia seperti Raffles, Esmod, London Public School, etc serta beberapa International University seperti Sampoerna, Binus International, dll ataupun college/university di 160 negara.
How to study in HolyStar homeschooling ?
HolyStar is a school with flexible time, students go to school with flexible time, that is, they may enter once to five times a week or 1x a month / 1x a year / not enter at all (full online) and may enter and leave between 8.30 to 14.30 , e.g. check in at 9.00/10.00/11.00 go home at 12.00/13.00/14.00
The teachers does not teach in front of the class, each student has his own desk & a small flag is prepared on his desk, if a student has a question or doesn’t understand the lesson being studied, the student raises the flag & one of teachers will explain until the student understands, there are 4 teachers who can take turns teaching students to understand. You can see in the video above, for details on how students study at HolyStar School. Likewise, those who are online/not present in class can WA (chat/call/video call) HolyStar teachers if there is a lesson they don’t understand, from Monday – Friday 8.30 – 14.30, HolyStar is flexible time, so we are like a hybrid school.
We control student learning progress with goal cards, students fill in goal cards before studying, eg: Math does pages 1-4, Science does pages 8-12, etc., if there are pages that are not finished on the goal card then it becomes homework, final result from the goal card in end of the day, the teachers will record it on the supervisor card, so the teachers know the student’s progress.
Students study 6-7 subjects everyday ie Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Word Building & Creative Writing/Literature and Bible or study per subject everyday.
Our school uses fully English during school hours and break time, our teachers are Indonesian teachers & foreigner teacher from USA.
There are two breaks during the lesson : Break time 10:45 am to 11:00 pm and lunch time 12.30 – 13.00, no cafeteria, so each child brings his own snacks & heavy meals.
Each child can attend one to five Extra Curricular and the cost is included in the tuition. Five Extra Curricular is Art / Craft, Computer, PE, Music, Home Economic, held for students entering school from 12.30 to 14.30
The cost remains the same for students who go once a week or two to three times even five times a week, if you come 1x/week, 4x you can do online, etc
Our school has four quartal holidays, every March / April or Sept / Oct quarter vacations will be out-of-school outings and fees are included in tuition & admin fees paid per year, while June & December holidays will have fun time in school.
The School Building is own by ourselves not rented with cleanliness, and there is a playground for children.
Diligent students can graduate faster by finishing the modules / credit lessons required to pass grade 10, our grade 10 certificate is called a High School Certificate sent from abroad.
Our grade 10th certificate called High School Certificate, so students can continue studying at an Indonesian college such as Raffles, Esmod, London Public School, Jakarta International College etc and some International Universities such as UPH International, UI International, etc. or college / university in 160 countries.
To complete Understanding about the procedure to study in HolyStar Homeschooling, pls watch this Video: